Distributor Registration Distributor Super Distributor Sub Distributor

FMCG Distributors need to register first time to get the access to this system.

1. Open the portal using the link: https://bpilmobile.bergerindia.com/FMCG/

2. Click On “New Distributor?” Link.

3. Enter Distributor Account Code and click on “Validate Account” button

4. Click on “Submit” button to confirm.

5. On entering a valid account number it will send a OTP to registered mobile no.

6. Enter received OTP and click on “Submit”.

7. On entering the correct OTP registration will be completed. Distributor will receive user id and password on registered mobile no.

8. After a successful registration Distributor needs to be configure few things to make the system live.

  • Invoice Configuration
  • Price Configuration
  • Opening Stock Entry

These are explained in detail in next chapter CONFIGURATION.

Initially the Dashboard/Home page will look like below.

Sub Distributor Entry Distributor Super Distributor Sub Distributor

This option is to maintain Retailers. Here distributor can enter new retailer. Also distributor can send list of retailer in specific format from this portal. It will be validated and then updated after sometime.

1. Open the option Sub Distributor Entry from the menu MANPOWER AND BEAT PLANNING.

2. In the first page list of sub distributors will appear. Super Distributor can search those using available filters on left of the page. To edit any existing sub distributor’s info click on in the list.

3. Super Distributor can upload bulk data from the same page. Just upload the list in provided format and click button.

4. Super Distributor can add sub distributors one by one. To do the same click on and enter below information.

  • Name
  • Address Line 1 (Optional)
  • Address Line 2 (Optional)
  • City (Optional)
  • Pin
  • State (Optional)
  • Contact Person (Optional)
  • Contact No
  • Contact No Secondary (Optional)
  • GSTIN No (Optional)
  • Credit Days (Optional)
  • Credit Limit (Optional)

Sub Distributor Nomination Approval Distributor Super Distributor Sub Distributor

DSR can nominate retailers from their app. Super Distributor have to approve them to start order and invoice. Distributor will do the same using this option.

1. Open the option Sub Distributor Nomination Approval from the menu MANPOWER AND BEAT PLANNING.

2. In the first page list of nominated Sub Distributors. Super Distributor can search using available filters on left of the page. To approve just click button. To reject click on .

3. To approve Sub Distributor will provide below information.

  • Credit Days (Optional)
  • Credit Limit (Optional)
  • Route
  • Remarks

4. To reject sub distributor will provide remarks only.

Order To Super Distributor Distributor Super Distributor Sub Distributor

Sub Distributors can place order to Super Distributor through this option. Sub Distributor can add his requirements to cart any time. But order will be placed only after a successful checkout from the car. We are here to know the process below.

1. Open the option Order To Super Distributor in the menu PURCHASE.

2. In this option Sub Distributor can add any item to cart. Also can checkout cart from here.

3. On the left side panel Sub Distributor will select SKU by selecting Category and Brand. After SKU selection Enter No of Carton to Order.

Then Click to add the order to cart.

Cart is visible entire the application on the top with this icon . On clicking on this icon system will redirect to this option.

4. After adding Item to the cart sub distributor has to checkout to place a order. Select Items from the cart and click on . After a successful checkout order will be sent to Super Distributor.

Order To Super Distributor History Distributor Super Distributor Sub Distributor

Distributors can get all order history from this option.

1. Open the option Order To Super Distributor History in the menu SALES.

2. Here Sub Distributor can search from the available date range filter on the left of the screen.

To get details of any order click icon.

Stock Receipt History Distributor Super Distributor Sub Distributor

In this option Distributor will get history of stock receipt.

1. Open the option Stock Receipt History in the menu INVENTORY.

2. In stock receipt history list Distributor will get information of stock. There is button. Click on it to get the receipt history details.

3. Receipt details will look like below.

Stock Adjustment History Distributor Super Distributor Sub Distributor

In this option Distributor can check stock adjustment history.

1. Open the option Stock Adjustment History from INVENTORY.

2. Distributor can search all adjustment history by the available filters on left. On the list click on to get adjusted history details.

3. Details will look like below.